  • EN 🚧
    Fantastic CFGs and Their Optimizations
    CS6120 learning note part 1

    I have been following and finished the CS6120 from Cornell, a self-guided online course for topics in compilers. It was a great journey following along the course and the exercises. This post will be the first of my dump of learning notes for this course.

  • La Sagrada Familia and Magic Square

    A sketch inspired by La Sagrada Familia

  • Soundscape

    An Android application providing hands-free navigation using spatial audio, empowering visually impaired people to navigate the world at ease. This project is brought to you by 8 UCL Software Systems Engineering students.

  • 2023
  • Kaleidoscope

    A lexer generator macro in swift using swift macros, _RegexParser in the experimental string processing library, and directed graphs.

  • Graduation

    Is Reed just a dream? Hey my dear friend, I miss you.

  • Typing Gymnastics

    Types are fun! Wanna exercise with types? Turns out you can create (static) type mappings in C++! To spicy things up a bit more, let's try to solve the n queen problem with just types!

  • Dissect Vite Markdown Plugin

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  • Yubico Key

    I got two Yubico keys and they are cool!

  • Rock on


  • Subtract One With Only Bit Operations In C/++

    You are obsessed with bit operations and want to do everything and want to do everything with & and |. How to subtract one with only bit operations then? Hmm, I wonder...

  • Hello World!

    Hi there! Welcome come to yet another new blog. :)