  • EN 🚧
    Loops and Phi Nodes
    CS6120 learning note part 2

    This is the part 2 of the CS6120 learning note. This note will introduce natural loops, loop-invariant code motion, and static single assignments.

  • Fantastic CFGs and Their Optimizations
    CS6120 learning note part 1

    I have been following and finished the CS6120 from Cornell, a self-guided online course for topics in compilers. It was a great journey following along the course and the exercises. This post is the first part of learning notes of the course, containing introduction to CFGs, and data flow analysis framework, optimizations like reaching definitions, dead code elimination, and local value numbering.

  • La Sagrada Familia and Magic Square

    A sketch inspired by La Sagrada Familia

  • Soundscape

    An Android application providing hands-free navigation using spatial audio, empowering visually impaired people to navigate the world at ease. This project is brought to you by 8 UCL Software Systems Engineering students.

  • 2023
  • Kaleidoscope

    A lexer generator macro in swift using swift macros, _RegexParser in the experimental string processing library, and directed graphs.

  • Graduation

    Is Reed just a dream? Hey my dear friend, I miss you.

  • Typing Gymnastics

    Types are fun! Wanna exercise with types? Turns out you can create (static) type mappings in C++! To spicy things up a bit more, let's try to solve the n queen problem with just types!

  • Dissect Vite Markdown Plugin

    This website uses vite-plugin-markdown-vue extensively. Let's disassemble the plugin and see how it works! It's surprisingly powerful and fun!

  • Yubico Key

    I got two Yubico keys and they are cool!

  • Rock on


  • Subtract One With Only Bit Operations In C/++

    You are obsessed with bit operations and want to do everything and want to do everything with & and |. How to subtract one with only bit operations then? Hmm, I wonder...

  • Hello World!

    Hi there! Welcome come to yet another new blog. :)