I have been following and finished the CS6120 from Cornell, a self-guided online course for topics in compilers. It was a great journey following along the course and the exercises. This post is the first part of learning notes of the course, containing introduction to CFGs, and data flow analysis framework, optimizations like reaching definitions, dead code elimination, and local value numbering.


This post uses Bril, an compiler IR for learning. Part of the code used for this post was modified from Bril.


It takes many stages to compile a piece of code: first the code needs to be parsed from pure strings into defined lexical tokens; then tokens are transformed into structured data like abstract syntax trees (ASTs); semantics are given based on the ASTs, often in the form of intermediate representations (IRs); in the end, we eventually get machine code that can be run efficiently.

In each stage of compilation, we are using the different representation to express a computer program. Here we focus on the semantics side of the programs and how we can optimize the programs without changing the semantics of the programs. To do this, we need another representation not mentioned above. that’s We want the abstract to be more than structured data and to help us analyze the flow of the program, or how the program executes. This is where control flow graphs (CFGs) come in.

CFG, Local | Global | Inter-procedural Optimization

A CFG is a direct graph representing the flow of an algorithm, illustrated in the graph below. We call the (big) nodes of the graph basic blocks (You can use the detail toggle to see more things). Each basic block, identified by a unique label, is a sequence of instructions. In the following discussion, when we refer to local analysis, we mean the analysis within a basic block; when we refer to global analysis, we mean the analysis within a function. For example, the analysis within the start block is local analysis, while the analysis on the entire main function is global analysis.

When looking at function calls and relationships among functions, we refer as interprocedural analysis. For example, the call foo instruction in main function invokes the foo function and the analysis using both main and foo is interprocedural analysis.

See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic Blocks

It is possible to have cycles in the graph, corresponding to loops in the program. For example, the program below computes 2^n in a loop. The graph of the basic blocks form a loop from the .loop.enter to .loop.body and then back to .loop.enter.

See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic Blocks
@main {
    i: int = const 0;
    x: int = const 1;
    term: int = const 5;
    zero: int = const 0;
    one: int = const 1;
    y: int = sub term i;
    cond: bool = gt y zero;
    br cond .loop.body .loop.end;
    x = add x x;
    i = add i one;
    jmp .loop.enter;
    print x;
    ret zero;

Forward | Backward Analysis

Note that even though the control flow graphs are directed graphs, it is possible to analyze the program from the beginning or from the end. They are called forward analysis and backward analysis, respectively.


Reaching Definition And Flow Analysis Framework

This is rather a toolkit instead of an optimization. To understand this framework, we need several terminologies.

  • A definition (of a variable) is an instruction that writes value to a (the) variable; thus every instruction that writes to a variable is a definition.
  • A use of variables is when the instruction uses the variables.
  • An available definition at a given point in the program is a definition reaches the given point.
  • A kill of a definition (of a variable) happens when a new definition (of the variable) is available.

Using the terminologies above, we can formulate the reaching definition problem as: when a variable is used at a point in the problem, which definitions of the variable are still available at the point.

In the following two examples, you can hover on the used variable name (in the instruction arguments) and see in the dropdown what the reaching definitions of the variable are. You can also click on the numbers to highlight where the definition is.

1 / 2
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic Blocks
@main {
    a: int = const 5;
    one: int = const 1;
    b: int = add 
a: int = add
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic Blocks
@main(a: int, b: int) {
    zero: int = const 0;
    negative: bool = lt 
.here .there;
.here: a: int = mul
b: int = mul
jmp .end; .there: b: int = mul
.end: print

In the first example, the definition of a at line 5 kills the definition of a at line 2. Thus, before line 5, when a is used to construct b, the reaching definition is the instruction at line 2; after line 5, when a is used in the return instruction, the reaching definition is newer instruction at line 5.

In the second example, there are two reaching definitions for variable a and b, respectively, when they are used in the highlighted line. This CFG shows this clearly: there are two paths to get to the highlighted lines and in each path there is a definition of different of a and b. Check the hover dropdown to see where the definitions are!

Since we are trying to identify how far the definition has survived along the function’s execution, it is natural to use forward analysis and have do book keeping on definitions of variables after each execution of an instruction in the problem.

The general idea of the algorithm of identifying reaching definition relies on the observation that a new definition of a variable kills all previous definitions of the variable, for a variable can only store one value thus only allow one write at a time. The immediately next instruction and the all the instructions come after the new definition will use the new definition, until a newer definition is established. When we are doing note keeping for each instruction, it would be nice to know what has been made available before the execution of the instruction; this means if the instruction creates a new definition, we just need to update the note and pass it to next instruction, because after the execution of the instruction, the corresponding variable will have new definition; when the instruction only uses variables, we just need to pass the note as it is, since no new definitions need to be kept.

The previous description shows how the note is populated with definitions and how a definition is killed and repopulated. We can see how the information is generated, flows, and changes from the start of the function til the end.

However, we are missing a subtle thing for the algorithm to work correctly: how notes from different paths are combined, an scenario illustrated in the second example. When there are many paths to get to an instruction, each path is likely to have a note of definitions. For instance, in the second example, both paths have defined variable a independently. It is natural to take a union of all the notes since we want to know all the definitions that have survived until the instruction.

In general, an flow analysis on CFGs can be done if three things are specified for a instruction:

  • initial information for the instruction
  • how information flowed into the instruction is combined, along with the initial information
  • how information is generated and killed

Then, with the help from a general solver, which can take this information and produces the final results, we can obtain our solution with less boilerplate.

We can formulate the reaching definition using the framework above. The information flow among the instructions is a mapping from variable names to a set of lines of available definitions. A mapping will be denoted in set notation, where the keys are unique variable names and the values are a set of line numbers where the reaching definitions originate.

  • Initial information are \emptyset (empty mappings) except the first instruction in the function: the first instruction contains definitions that defines function arguments.
  • Let RiniR_{\text{in}}^i denote the information flowing from the $i$th predecessor of the instruction. Then the combined result is Rin=iRiniR_{\text{in}} = \cup_i R_{\text{in}}^i, where the union (\cup) notation means merging two mappings into a single mapping in which a key (variable name) is mapped to the union of the values (sets of line numbers) from the two mappings.
  • If the instruction writes to a variable named kk and has line number nn, then the information flowing out is Rout=Rin{k}{k[n]}R_\text{out} = R_\text{in} \setminus \{k\} \cup \{k \to [n]\}.
  • If the the instruction does not write to any variable, then the information flowing out is Rout=RinR_\text{out} = R_\text{in}.

Dead Assignment Elimination

Dead code can be loosely understood as code that’s not used or executed in runtime. In this section, we focus on assignments creating redundant variables that are not used in the program.

In the first example, the highlighted line defines a, which is invalidated by a re-definition of a in the next line. This means the highlighted a is never going to be used and can be counted as dead code.

In the second example, the highlighted line defines c, which isn’t used anywhere after its definition. This can be counted as dead code as well.

However, if we natively check if an assignment happens again before the variable is used, we could be wrong. In the third example, the variable a defined in line 2 is redefined but not used in line 7, and thus can be counted as dead code and eliminated. However, if we look at the code more carefully, it we can see that the redefinition happens conditionally, and it is unclear at compile time which path the program is going to take. This means it is possible to use both definition of a at line 12.

1 / 4
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic BlocksSee DCE
@main {
    a: int = const 1;
    a: int = const 2;
    ret a;
1  @main {
2 a: int = const 1;
3 a: int = const 2;
4 ret a;
5 }
1 / 2
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic BlocksSee DCE
@main {
    a: int = const 1;
    b: int = const 2;
    c: int = const 3;
    x: int = add a b;
    ret x;
1  @main {
2 a: int = const 1;
3 b: int = const 2;
4 c: int = const 3;
5 x: int = add a b;
6 ret x;
7 }
1 / 2
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic BlocksSee DCE
@main {
    a: int = add x y;
    zero: int = const 0;
    cond: bool = lt a zero;
    br cond .b1 .b2;
    a: int = add a a;
    jmp .end;
    print cond;
    print a;
 1  @main {
2 a: int = add x y;
3 zero: int = const 0;
4 cond: bool = lt a zero;
5 br cond .b1 .b2;
6 .b1:
7 a: int = add a a;
8 jmp .end;
9 .b2:
10 print cond;
11 .end:
12 print a;
13 }
1 / 1
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic BlocksSee DCE
@main {
    a: int = const 1;
    b: int = const 2;
    c: int = const 3;
    x: int = add a b;
    y: int = add b c;
    ret x;
1  @main {
2 a: int = const 1;
3 b: int = const 2;
4 c: int = const 3;
5 x: int = add a b;
6 y: int = add b c;
7 ret x;
8 }
1 / 3

Well, how can we optimize dead code assignment properly? It is clear that using local information within one basic block isn’t enough, because we cannot know for sure if the variable defined in one basic block is going to be used anywhere later in the program. This judgement urges us to look at the program globally and use global analysis, looking among all the basic blocks and the transitions (arrow) among them within one function.

It is possible that an elimination of one variable can introduce more dead assignments. In the fourth example, we can see that the variable y defined in line 6 is a dead assignment; removing the variable y makes the variable c a dead assignment, for c is only used when defining y. To solve this problem, we can simply run elimination for multiple passes until the result converges.

We can formulate algorithm into two steps:

  1. the identification of dead assignments: identify the assignments that are not used in any path until the function ends or until it is redefined.
  2. remove those assignments, repeat from previous step until no dead assignment is found

We can also use the data flow framework discussed in the previous section.

Local Value Numbering

Local value numbering comes in handy when we are dealing with aliases and identical values. To illustrate what the problems we are optimizing look like, consider the following examples:

In first program below, we can quickly realize that the final return value, after being copied 3 times, is the same as the variable a. It is wasteful to copy the same thing multiple times. Unfortunately, our dead assignment optimization cannot eliminate this because every variable is used: a is used for initializing b, b for c, c for d, and then d is eventually used in the print call. This problem is referred as copy propagation.

In the second program, we can see that the values of temp1 and temp2 are the same. The program works, but it is not efficient because the same computation yielding the same value happens twice. It would be nice to identify unique values and reduce duplicated computations. This problem is referred as common subexpression elimination.

1 / 2
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic BlocksSee LVN
@main {
    a: int = const 2;
    b: int = id a;
    c: int = id b;
    d: int = id c;
    print d;
1  @main {
2 a: int = const 2;
3 b: int = id a;
4 c: int = id b;
5 d: int = id c;
6 print d;
7 }
1 / 2
See ProgramSee CFGSee Only Basic BlocksSee LVN
@main() {
    a: int = const 4;
    b: int = const 5;

    temp1: int = add a b;
    temp2: int = add a b;

    result: int = mul temp1 temp2;
    print result;
1  @main {
2 a: int = const 4;
3 b: int = const 5;
4 temp1: int = add a b;
5 temp2: int = add a b;
6 result: int = mul temp1 temp2;
7 print result;
8 }
1 / 2

To provide these kinds of the optimizations, we can identify each value with a number instead of their canonical names, and point their canonical names to the numbers. Whenever a variable is assigned, denote it’s value as a number and points the variable to the number; whenever a variable is used, query the number associated with the variable, and try use the value instead of variable.